But they don't keep growing larger as the season goes on as indeterminate tomatoes do.

Celebrity ( Solanum lycopersicum 'Celebrity'): Determinate Celebrity tomatoes are disease-resistant and prolific, with the added bonus that they fruit from the time plants reach their mature size until frost.Pink Brandywine( Solanum lycopersicum 'Brandywine'): This indeterminate, easy-to-grow heirloom offers hefty, flavorful fruits in a beautiful shade of blush.Green Zebra( Solanum lycopersicum 'Green Zebra'): A cross between four different heirloom tomatoes, this indeterminate "heirloom hybrid" is prized for its bright flavor and chartreuse color.Yellow Pear( Solanum lycopersicum 'Yellow Pear'): Known for its clusters of sweet, pear-shaped yellow tomatoes, this indeterminate variety dates back to the early 19th century.Better Boy ( Solanum lycopersicum ‘Better Boy’): This popular indeterminate slicing tomato offers disease resistance, relatively early harvest, and sizeable one-pound fruits.Fill a pan with water and place the containers in the pan until the soil has soaked up all the water. Set the Brandywine seeds into the containers, about 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) deep. Place potting soil in shallow containers. The Spruce Home Improvement Review Board Download Article 1 Start your tomatoes inside, 4 weeks prior to the last frost.